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Closing programs

Closing a program is the final step in the program management lifecycle. It involves wrapping up all of the work that has been done, documenting the lessons learned, and transferring ownership of the program deliverables to the appropriate stakeholders.

There are a number of different ways to close a program. The best approach will vary depending on the specific program and the needs of the stakeholders.


Photo by Chris Curry on Unsplash

Here are some of the key steps involved in closing a program:

  1. Capture lessons learned: One of the most important tasks involved in closing a program is to capture lessons learned. This involves documenting what went well, what went wrong, and what can be improved in future programs. See the sidebar below on retrospectives for more ideas.
  2. Transfer ownership of deliverables: Once the program is complete, the deliverables need to be transferred to the appropriate stakeholders. This may involve handing over physical deliverables, such as software or hardware, or providing documentation or training.
  3. Celebrate successes: Closing a program is a time to celebrate the successes of the team. This can be done by holding a party, giving out awards, or simply taking some time to reflect on the program's accomplishments.

Closing a program is an important part of program management. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your programs are closed effectively and that the lessons learned are captured for future programs.

Here are some additional tips for closing programs:

  • Start planning early: The earlier you start planning for the closure of the program, the better. This will give you time to gather all of the necessary information and to develop a plan that meets the needs of all of the stakeholders.
  • Communicate effectively: Communication is key throughout the program lifecycle, but it is especially important during the closure phase. Make sure that you keep all of the stakeholders informed of the progress of the closure and that you get their input on any key decisions. In short, are your stakeholders aligned on what it means to close this program?
  • Be prepared for changes: Things may not always go according to plan, so be prepared for changes. This may include changes to the scope of the program, changes to the timeline, or changes to the budget.
  • Learn from mistakes: Everyone makes mistakes, but it is important to learn from them. Take some time to reflect on the program and identify any areas where you can improve. This will help you to avoid making the same mistakes in future programs.
  • Celebrate successes: Closing a program is a time to celebrate the successes of the team. This can be done by holding a party, giving out awards, or simply taking some time to reflect on the program's accomplishments.

Retrospectives for reflecting and learning as a TPM at project closure

As a Technical Program Manager (TPM), conducting retrospectives at the close of a program is an invaluable practice that fosters continuous improvement and growth. Retrospectives provide an opportunity for the team to reflect on the program's successes and challenges, identify areas for improvement, and share insights that can be applied to future programs. Let's explore the importance of retrospectives in the context of a TPM closing a program.

Purpose of retrospectives

The primary goal of a retrospective is to learn from the program's experiences, both positive and negative, and use this knowledge to enhance the team's performance in future endeavors. By creating an open and constructive environment for discussion, TPMs can encourage team members to share their perspectives, identify patterns, and collaboratively develop solutions to common challenges.

Key elements of an effective retrospective

To conduct a successful retrospective, a TPM should consider the following key elements:

  1. Preparation: Prior to the retrospective, gather any relevant data or materials, such as program documentation, performance metrics, and stakeholder feedback. This information can help guide the discussion and ensure that it remains focused and constructive.
  2. Facilitation: Designate a facilitator who can guide the conversation, encourage participation, and maintain a positive, blame-free atmosphere. The facilitator should be skilled in active listening, conflict resolution, and group dynamics, and should be able to objectively assess the team's performance.
  3. Structure: Develop a structured agenda for the retrospective, including time for individual reflection, group discussion, and the development of action items. This structure can help ensure that the conversation remains focused and productive, while still allowing for flexibility and adaptability.
  4. Documentation: Capture the key takeaways and action items from the retrospective in a concise and accessible format. This documentation can serve as a reference for future programs and help the team track their progress and growth over time.

Common retrospective techniques

There are several retrospective techniques that can be employed to guide the discussion and encourage meaningful reflection. Some popular methods include:

Start, Stop, Continue, Change: Ask team members to identify things they should start doing, stop doing, and continue doing in future programs. This technique encourages the team to reflect on their habits and practices, and identify opportunities for improvement.

flowchart LR A[Stop] B[Start] C[Continue] D[Change] A --- B --- C --- D
Stop Start Continue Change
stop item 1 start item 1 continue item 1 change item 1
stop item 2 start time 2 continue item 2 change item 2
... ... ... ...

Timeline: Create a visual timeline of the program's key milestones, events, and challenges, and use this timeline to guide the retrospective discussion. This approach helps the team to identify patterns, trends, and interdependencies that may have influenced the program's outcome.

Fishbone diagram: Use a fishbone diagram to visually map the root causes of a particular issue or challenge. This technique encourages the team to think critically about the underlying factors that contributed to the program's challenges and develop targeted solutions.

In conclusion, retrospectives are a powerful tool for TPMs, enabling them to reflect on their programs and foster continuous learning and improvement. By incorporating retrospectives into the program closure process, TPMs can ensure that their teams are well-equipped to tackle future challenges and deliver even greater success.