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Managing risks and issues

Part of the Responsibilities section.

As a Technical Program Manager (TPM), you are responsible for managing risks and issues that may arise during the course of a project. This includes identifying potential risks, assessing their likelihood and impact, and developing plans to mitigate them. You are also responsible for tracking and resolving issues as they arise.

managing risks

Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash

Here are some of the responsibilities of a TPM for managing risks and issues:

  • Identify potential risks: The first step in risk management is to identify potential risks. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as brainstorming, risk assessments, and interviews with stakeholders.
  • Assess risks: Once you have identified potential risks, you need to assess their likelihood and impact. This will help you to prioritize the risks and to develop plans to mitigate them.
  • Develop plans to mitigate risks: Once you have assessed the risks, you need to develop plans to mitigate them. This may include developing contingency plans, implementing risk controls, or transferring risk to another party.
  • Track and resolve issues: Issues will inevitably arise during the course of a project. As a TPM, you are responsible for tracking and resolving issues as they arise. This includes communicating with stakeholders, coordinating with team members, and taking corrective action.

Risk management is an important part of project management. By effectively managing risks, you can help to ensure that your projects are successful.

Here are some tips for managing risks and issues as a TPM:

  • Be proactive: One of the best ways to manage risks is to be proactive. This means identifying potential risks before they become issues.
  • Be organized: It is important to be organized when managing risks and issues. This means keeping track of all of the risks and issues that you are dealing with, as well as the plans that you have developed to mitigate them.
  • Be flexible: Things will not always go according to plan. It is important to be flexible when managing risks and issues. This means being able to adapt your plans as needed.
  • Be communicative: It is important to communicate with stakeholders when managing risks and issues. This means keeping them updated on the situation and getting their input on how to resolve issues.
  • Be persistent: It is important to be persistent when managing risks and issues. This means not giving up until the risks and issues have been resolved.

Here's a page with practical advice for managing risks.

Managing risks and issues is a challenging but rewarding task. By following the tips above, you can help to ensure that your projects are successful.