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Good to Great by Jim Collins

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Good to Great by Jim Collins is an incredibly insightful read for a Technical Program Manager (TPM) aiming to elevate their team or organization from just good to truly great. Read an article based on the research that went into Good to Great. Here's how its core concepts can be a game-changer:

  1. Level 5 Leadership: Collins talks about leaders who combine humility with fierce resolve. For a TPM, this means leading with a blend of personal humility and professional will, driving your team towards excellence without seeking the spotlight.
  2. First Who, Then What: This principle emphasizes getting the right people on the bus (team) before deciding where to drive it. For a TPM, building a strong, capable team is crucial before diving into the complexities of project management.
  3. Confront the Brutal Facts: As a TPM, you need to face and address the hard truths about your projects and processes, no matter how uncomfortable. This honesty paves the way for effective problem-solving and innovation.
  4. The Hedgehog Concept: This is about understanding what you can be the best at. For a TPM, it's about focusing on your core competencies and leveraging them to drive project success. It also applies to the programs you manage. Can you create something that is the first or second best in the world? Does it meet the criteria of the Hedgehog Concept? Are you and your team passionate (enthusiastic) about something you can be the best at while driving to organizational (business, economic, social benefit) success?
  5. A Culture of Discipline: Discipline in processes and thinking is key for a TPM. This isn’t about bureaucracy but about adhering to a consistent system that works towards the greater goal. This isn't about solely following process. Discipline can be about creating or iterating on process. It can also, sometimes, be about going around process to get things done.
  6. Technology Accelerators: Collins point isn't about using technology for its own sake, but using it wisely to accelerate growth. For a TPM, this means integrating technology in a way that complements and enhances your team's skills and project goals. Avoid using something because it's shiny and new. Assess it's value, and include the cost of change in your assessment.
  7. The Flywheel Effect: This concept is about gradual, consistent effort leading to a point of breakthrough. For TPMs, it's about understanding that big results come from many small, consistent actions over time. This is the core of management and leadership: you rarely get that significant positive step change but, if you're paying attention, you can see gradual and meaningful growth and progress over time.

Good to Great isn't just about strategies; it's about cultivating a mindset that helps leaders and their teams achieve extraordinary results. For a TPM, applying these principles can lead to exceptional project management and team leadership.

More detail on the Hedgehog Concept

flowchart TD A[What you can be the best at] --> B B(Hedgehog Concept) C[Your passion] --> B D[Economic engine] --> B

The Hedgehog Concept is a fascinating and powerful principle from Jim Collins' "Good to Great." It's based on an ancient Greek parable that contrasts the fox, who knows many things, with the hedgehog, who knows one big thing. In the context of business and leadership, especially for a Technical Program Manager (TPM), here's a deeper dive into this concept:

  1. Understanding What You Can Be the Best at: This isn't about what you want to be the best at. It's about recognizing what you can realistically be the best at. As a TPM, this means objectively assessing the strengths of your team and yourself, understanding the unique skills and capabilities that can be leveraged in the technology space. It's about focusing on projects or areas where you can truly excel and make a significant impact.
  2. Identifying Your Passion: The Hedgehog Concept also revolves around passion. What are you deeply passionate about? For a TPM, this could be a specific aspect of technology, a particular method of project management, or even leading and developing a high-performing team. This passion is crucial because it drives motivation and engagement, both for you and your team.
  3. Recognizing the Economic Engine: This aspect relates to the economic factors that your work impacts. In the role of a TPM, it's crucial to understand how your work contributes to the economic success of the project or organization. This might involve considering factors like cost savings, efficiency gains, or the financial impact of the technologies and processes you implement.
  4. The Intersection Point: The essence of the Hedgehog Concept is finding the sweet spot where these three aspects intersect: what you can be the best at, what you are passionate about, and what drives your economic engine. For a TPM, this intersection is where you'll find the greatest effectiveness and satisfaction in your role. It's about aligning your team's strengths and passions with the economic goals of your projects, leading to greater productivity, innovation, and success.

In summary, the Hedgehog Concept is about simplicity within the three circles – understanding your team's core competencies, their passions, and the economic realities, and then relentlessly focusing on the intersection of these areas. For a TPM, mastering this concept can lead to remarkable achievements and a truly great team or project outcome.

Not everyone will have passion (a very strong positive emotion) for their work. Especially not at all times. Some people take issue with this word. Instead, perhaps think of it as "what drives you" to work on programs with team. Perhaps think of it as "enthusiasm" or "energy" or even "engagement."

Don't get hung up on the exact word. Take the meaning away as something you get intrinsic satisfaction from.

Consider reading The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey too.